Welcome to Business Buyers Advocacy Australia

Your exclusive agency to assist you with buying the right business

BBA is a leading business buyer advocacy firm in Australia assisting individuals, companies and Private Equity Firms to purchase businesses and guiding sellers to ensure they have their businesses market ready for sale to genuine buyers.

"Helping Business Buyers in Melbourne and across Australia"
Rob Semmel - Managing Director of Business Buyers Advocacy

Buying any business can be a financial and emotional rollercoaster. There are many excellent businesses for sale and just as many poor ones.

Business Buyers Advocacy was established to assist and support business buyers to find and acquire the right businesses in terms of price, terms and conditions. Our clients include individuals, companies and private equity firms.

Our buyers agents in Melbourne and across Australia are proud to represent business buyers throughout the purchase process and provide the support they may need on the way.

Many good businesses are not purchased due to a lack of relevant and timely information. To help buyers our advocates are assisting sellers to prepare their business to be ready for genuine buyers.

This approach has been a win/win as BBA assists with facilitating a sale between buyers and sellers without sellers having to pay a hefty commission to business brokers.

Feel free to give us a call if you would like to have a chat about buying a business or how you should present your business for sale to genuine buyers.

Rob Semmel - Managing Director
CPA/Licensed Agent/Business Buyers Advocate

What We Do?

  • Get Help IconAssisting business buyers to find the right business to buy at the right price with the right terms and conditions in Australia.
  • Customer Support IconHelping business sellers market and present their business the right way to be ready for sale to genuine buyers and save thousands on commission.
  • Private Equity Firms IconMatching corporate needs with private equity firms whether it be a sale, merge, funding, expansion or joint venture.
  • Company Acquisition IconTargeting specific company acquisitions off market - discreetly and confidentially.
  • Customer Assistance IconAssisting International Buyers to acquire businesses within Australia.

Group of four business agents going over paperwork in a meeting room Group of four business agents going over paperwork in a meeting room

How We Help Our Clients ?

How We Help Business Buyers

Whilst business brokers represent sellers, there is a void to help those most at risk – buyers.

Business Brokers do not represent buyers or have buyer’s interest at heart. Their focus is to get a deal done for the seller, get their commission and move on to the next deal.

BBA was established to exclusively represent business buyers and to assist them to search, investigate, negotiate and ultimately get the best deal on a business purchase in terms of price, terms and conditions.

BBA represents genuine buyers consisting of individuals, companies and private equity firms to find suitable business acquisitions throughout Australia.

If you are looking to buy a business and would like some assistance, reach out to our buyers advocates in Melbourne and across the country.

Let's Get Started

Sellers - How We Help Your Business Get Ready For Genuine Business Buyers and Save You Thousands.

There are thousands of businesses on the market at any one time. Unfortunately many good businesses that are for sale are not sold, due to ineffective marketing, poor advice and lack of information. We know what attracts genuine buyers, what they want and what information needs to be available to make a purchase decision.

Having a business ready for sale is paramount. Having a genuine buyer exposed to all relevant information to make a decision to buy is vital.

To assist buyers and to ensure all the information they need to make a decision to buy is available, we are assisting sellers with the marketing and presentation of their business for sale.

BBA will ensure businesses for sale are marketed to attract buyer interest, and are “buyer ready”. Sellers are introduced to genuine qualified buyers and BBA will assist in getting the deal done.

Sellers can save thousands of dollars in commission on the sale of their business by having BBA introduce them to genuine buyers.

Thinking of selling your business and don’t want to spend tens of thousands in commission to a Business Broker, then let’s chat about how BBA can help you.

Let us help you

Industries We Serve

 Food and Hospitality Food / Hospitality
Beauty, Health & Fitness Beauty / Health & Fitness
Retail Retail
Franchise Franchise
Leisure & Entertainment Leisure & Entertainment
Education & Training Education & Training
Professional Services Professional Services
Commercial Services Commercial Services
Industrial & Manufacturing Industrial & Manufacturing
server10 Building & Construction
Import,Export & Wholesale Import,Export & Wholesale
Buyers Agent Melbourne And Many More
BBA Help You to Buying properties

Why Choose BBA to Help You ?

  • A leading exclusive Business Buyers Advocacy firm in Australia.
  • Dealing with all business types and industries Australia wide.
  • Helping buyers to find the right business at the right price on the right terms.
  • Searching, investigating and negotiating.
  • Providing support throughout the purchase process through till settlement.
  • Helping sellers prepare their business to be ready for sale to genuine buyers.

Let us assist you


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